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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Indian Accounting Standards vis-a vis International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards(IAS/IFRS)

International Accounting Standards
International Accounting                                                                 Corresponding
Standards Nos.                            Title                                           Indian GAAP
IAS 1                                Presentation of Financial Statements             AS-1     
IAS 2                                Inventories                                                  AS-2
IAS 7                                Cashflow Statements                                   AS-3
IAS 8                                Accounting policies, changes in accounting   AS-5
                                         estimates and errors
IAS 10                              Events after the Balance Sheet date             AS-4
IAS 11                              Construction Contracts                               AS-7
IAS 12                              Income Taxes                                             AS-22
IAS 16                              Property, Plant and Equipment                    AS-10&6
IAS 17                              Lease                                                         AS-19
IAS 18                              Revenue                                                     AS-9
IAS 19                              Employees Benefits                                    AS-15
IAS 20                              Government Grants                                    AS-12
IAS 21                              Accounting for Foreign Exchange               AS-11
IAS 23                              Borrowing  Cost                                        AS-16
IAS 24                              Related Party Disclosures                          AS-18
IAS 26                              Retirement Benefit Plans                            ---
IAS 27                              Consolidation of Financials                        AS-21
IAS 28                              Investment in associates                            AS-23
IAS 29                              Financial Reporting on Hyper Inflationary
                                         Economics                                                ---
IAS 31                              Interest in Joint Ventures                           AS-27
IAS 32                              Financial Instruments : Presentation           AS-31
IAS 33                              EPS                                                         AS-20
IAS 34                              Interim Financial Reporting                       AS-25
IAS 36                              Impairment of Assets                               AS-28
IAS 37                              Provisions, Contingent liabilties and
                                         Contingent Assets                                    AS-4
IAS 38                              Intangible Assets                                     AS-26
IAS 39                              Financial Instruments : Recognition and
                                         Measurement                                          AS-30
IAS 40                              Investment Property                               AS-13
IAS 41                              Agriculture                                              ---

 International Financial Reporting Standards :

IFRS no.                         Title                                                                  Corresponding Indian
IFRS-1                           First time adoptation of IFRS                             Not Relevant
IFRS-2                           Share Based Payments                                      -----
IFRS-3                           Business Combination                                       AS-14
IFRS-4                           Insurance Contracts                                          ----
IFRS-5                           Non-current Assets held for sale                       AS-24
                                       and discontinyed operations
IFRS-6                           Exploration for and evaluation of mineral
                                       resources                                                         ----
IFRS-7                           Financial Instruments: disclosures                      AS-32
IFRS-8                           Operating segments                                          AS-17
IFRS-9                           Financial Instruments: Recognition and              AS-30
                                       and measurement

Sources :
              1) Accounting Standards (D.S.Rawat)

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